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Government puts code deadline on car industry

Independent motor repairers and carmakers have been given until the end of the year to make “substantial progress” on a voluntary code of conduct, before the Federal Government considers imposing a mandatory one.

Such a code will give repairers access to the data needed to service modern cars, the Government says.

It follows a Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council inquiry into customer choice in the repair market.

Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury say repairers often require technical information to fix modern cars’ computer systems. If they cannot access this data, motorists must take their vehicles to dealerships for servicing.

“Consumers should have the right to choose where they take their cars for service and repair,” he said. 

The Government will also act to dispel assertions that cars must be serviced by licensed dealers to maintain owners’ guarantees. 

“I will be asking the nation’s consumer affairs officials to develop an awareness campaign to educate consumers about their warranty rights,” Mr Bradbury said.