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Federal Government criticised over tax review delay

The Federal Government is under attack for failing to release the findings of the Henry tax review, nearly three months after receiving the final report.

Earlier this month Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said reform of Australia’s health and hospitals system is the Government’s “number one priority”, acknowledging it is working its “way through” tax issues.

The insurance industry is anticipating the release of the findings after review chairman and Treasury Secretary Ken Henry slammed stamp duty and the fire services levy as “bad taxes” in October.

There are hopes the report will recommend reductions in insurance stamp duty and the fire services levy charged to customers in NSW and Victoria.

The review panel handed a final report to the Federal Government on December 23.

Government spokesmen have called for patience over the release of the report following criticism from business groups and commentators.

In interviews last week Treasurer Wayne Swan promised “a full public debate before the election”, while Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner says the Government will deal with the review “at our own pace, at our own time”.