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Disaster preparedness under review

Recommendations to better prepare for the next natural catastrophe will be presented to Attorney-General Robert McClelland later this month.

The recommendations are being drawn up following a meeting of more than 30 experts in insurance, planning, building, engineering, criminology and emergency management in Sydney last week.

The experts from the public and private sectors examined Australia’s disaster management and mitigation strategy at the Improving Disaster Resilience Forum.

A series of recommendations from the forum are now being prepared by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute to be handed to Mr McClelland later this month.

The forum covered issues including land use planning and urban development, hazard risk and insurance, and the policy balance between disaster recovery and mitigation.

“The enormous cost of natural disasters over the past summer has only reinforced the importance of building resilience at national, community and individual levels,” Mr McClelland said in a statement.

“While we will never be able to stop natural disasters occurring, we should be continually looking to improve how we plan for disasters and how we help mitigate their impact on communities.”