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Council meets in bid for uniformity

The Safe Work Australia Council held its inaugural meeting last week, pledging to steer national policy development on occupational health and safety (OHS) and workers’ compensation.

The organisation is charged with harmonising OHS and workers’ compensation arrangements across Australia. It will develop national policy, codes of practice and a model OHS and workers’ compensation act. At present Australia has 11 separate workers’ compensation regimes.

The Safe Work Australia Council was formally established at the joint governmental Workplace Relations Ministers’ Council in April. It is made up of 15 members representing government, employer and employee interests.

The inaugural meeting in Sydney focused on the structure and content of model OHS legislation and policy. Members also agreed to specifications for maintenance of an Australian mesothelioma register for asbestos exposure.

Chairman Tom Phillips says the council members have already displayed “a lot of goodwill as they work toward the goal of achieving nationally consistent OHS laws”.