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Cost of workers’ comp a top concern

The cost of workers’ compensation is among the top concerns of Australian business, according to a survey by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI).

The chamber’s Pre Election Survey reveals the cost of workers’ compensation is a “major” concern to 49% of respondents and a “moderate” concern to a further 32%.

The survey reports the views of 1180 local firms between June 1 and July 12, with more than half of the respondents employing fewer than 20 staff.

Workers’ compensation costs are the top concern for business in the area of workplace relations and regulations, rating higher than the transition to new industrial awards.

“This suggests all jurisdictions need to maintain a priority focus on reining in workers’ compensation premium and administration costs,” the report says.

ACCI says work by the Council of Australian Governments to harmonise workers’ compensation regulations should be “urgently pursued” to reduce costs and standardise existing arrangements.