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Conciliation cuts time, WorkCover says

WorkCover WA’s new conciliation and arbitration scheme is improving dispute management and enabling more timely outcomes, according to Chairman Greg Joyce.

The Conciliation and Arbitration Services began operating on December 1, receiving 1307 applications for conciliation and completing 1105 in the period to June 30, WorkCover’s annual report says.

There were 273 applications for arbitration after conciliation failed, with 153 completed.

WorkCover WA says its average premium has risen 7.8% to 1.691% for 2012/13, driven by lower interest rates, an increase in claims lodged, changes to worker entitlements and a rise in insurers’ contingency margin. The rate has fallen 28% since 2003/04.

The scheme paid out $739.1 million in 2011/12, up 11%, and premiums paid totalled $972.8 million, up 14%.

The three sectors with the highest frequency of claims involving time off work were manufacturing, arts and recreation services, and healthcare and social assistance.