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COAG approves national disaster resilience strategy

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has adopted a national strategy for disaster resilience after a proposal was submitted by the nation’s emergency services ministers.

The earlier Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management meeting put forward a number of resolutions to remove disincentives from people taking up private insurance.

These proposals include the National Emergency Management Committee (NEMC) working with state and federal treasuries on issues relating to insurance arrangements for damage associated with flood and other natural disasters.

The ministers also want the NEMC to work with Geoscience Australia on flood mapping that would include riverine flooding, flash floods, storm surge and coastal inundation.

“That work should take into account existing knowledge and initiatives, currency of information and identified information gaps, and the need for consistent and robust methodologies,” the statement from the meeting said.

“The purpose of the strategy is to provide high-level guidance on disaster management to federal, state, territory and local governments, business and community leaders and the not-for-profit sector.

“While the strategy focuses on priority areas to build disaster resilient communities across Australia, it also recognises that disaster resilience is a shared responsibility for individuals, households, businesses and communities, as well as for governments.

“The strategy is the first step in a long-term, evolving process to deliver sustained behavioural change and enduring partnerships.”

COAG has now told the NEMC to develop a national implementation plan which states and territories will use on a local level.