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Business leaders ‘appalled’ by NSW backflip

Business leaders have united to condemn plans by the NSW Government not to honour the national agreement to harmonise occupational health and safety (OHS) laws.

In an open letter to the NSW Government, the leaders of the Australian Industry Group, Australian Constructors Association, Business Council of Australia, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Australian Federation of Employers and Industries say they are “appalled” with the suggestion that NSW may not honour the national agreement.

Under the present OHS laws in NSW, employers are regarded as guilty of an OHS offence until proved innocent – a reversal of the “normal onus of proof” that the business leaders say allows unions to act as prosecutors.

“We are on the verge of a once in a generation opportunity to end frustration for businesses across the country and to allow companies to concentrate on safety outcomes rather than drowning under legal opinions,” the letter says. “NSW should not undermine this important national reform.”

The Insurance Council of Australia declined to comment on the issue when approached by