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Bushfires drive up Tasmanian disaster relief budget

Tasmania’s new state budget more than doubles its estimate of Commonwealth grant funding required for natural disasters to $40.3 million from $19 million previously.

The increase is to meet the costs of fighting this year’s bushfires. The State Government says cost estimates are yet to be finalised and additional funding may be required.

Since the implementation of new disaster recovery funding arrangements last year, the state can ask the Federal Government to chip in for costs incurred in natural disasters.

The funding drops back to $28 million over the state’s 2020/21 forward estimates.

Fire services levies will increase to $68.1 million next financial year from $62.6 million previously, then rise again to $70.6 million the next year.

The State Government has spent about $64 million extra this financial year meeting the costs of the southern and central bushfires.