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Broker investigation due, but no news yet

The results of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) investigation into the remuneration payments and other financial arrangements between brokers and insurers were due last week, but the regulator hasn’t reached any conclusions yet.

This isn’t the first time ASIC has delayed the final report. It initially said it would release the findings by March, but a couple of weeks before the deadline it announced it wouldn’t make the date. It said the industry’s tardiness was to blame.

This time around sources say ASIC has requested further information from a number of companies. “They got truckloads of information just after Christmas, so it’s not surprising they haven’t reached any conclusions yet,” one senior industry source said.

National Insurance Brokers Association CEO Noel Pettersen told Sunrise Exchange News the industry is eagerly awaiting the results of the investigation, which will determine whether the industry’s use of commissions is in the best interests of consumers.

“The regulator has told us it will discuss the outcomes of the investigation with us before it makes it public, and at the moment, we’re just waiting on that call,” he said.