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Assistant Treasurer to speak at ICA forum 

Assistant Treasurer and Financial Services Minister Stephen Jones will be the keynote speaker at the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) Annual Conference on Thursday. 

Mr Jones last month led an insurance delegation to London and Munich where, along with ICA board members, he met with global reinsurers and other insurance sector leaders to discuss issues impacting premiums in Australia. 

“Following the recent delegation to the major London insurance market, we are pleased that Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones will give the keynote address and continue the collaborative and constructive relationship we have established since the election of the Albanese Government 18 months ago,” ICA CEO Andrew Hall said. 

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Deputy Chair Karen Chester and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Executive Board Member Suzanne Smith will also speak at the conference in a session on the regulator’s perspective. 

More than 27 speakers will attend the event, with other sessions covering issues such as global risks, insurance affordability, artificial intelligence, climate change, cyber risks, attracting talent and lessons from the floods. 

“This is a crucial time for the insurance industry and its customers, with the impact of three years of extreme weather events, ongoing hard market conditions, and global inflation impacting affordability and availability across all lines,” Mr Hall said. 

“Ensuring the settings are right for Australia’s insurance industry to continue to support communities and the economy has never been more important.” 

The conference will be held at the Fullerton Hotel in Sydney, with more than 400 participants expected to attend. Details are available here