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APRA’s HIH hit list tops 19

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has disqualified former FAI Insurance executive Roger Colomb from acting as a director or senior manager of a general insurer, or a senior manager or agent in Australia.

While the regulator didn’t release a statement on the disqualification for “legal reasons”, it was reported in the Federal Government Gazette. The HIH Royal Commission Report states that Mr Colomb prepared FAI’s annual returns for submission to APRA.

He is the 19th person to be disqualified by the regulator for involvement in the HIH collapse.

Meanwhile, former Dexta CEO Ashraf Kamha, who was GM of FAI’s commercial and professional insurance division, has begun an action in the Federal Court in Sydney seeking to prevent being disqualified by APRA. The action will continue this week.