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APRA wants opinions on statistics

Do you have an opinion on the sort of information the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) should include in its upcoming publication on general insurance industry statistics? If so, the regulator wants to hear from you.

The first Half Yearly General Insurance Bulletin is due before April. It will include detailed information on individual insurers as well as the overall Australian market, and will replace APRA’s previous publication on the general insurance industry.

The data will be sourced from audited regulatory returns submitted to APRA. The second (June) issue will also include data submitted by Australian public insurers, while December issues will also include data submitted by Lloyd’s Australia.

The bulletin will include details on all classes of insurance in Australia, gross premium revenue and gross incurred claims by direct insurers, as well as overall financial performances of the individual insurers and the general market.

APRA is inviting comment from interested parties on the draft publication, which is currently available on its website.