APRA publications to improve life insurance industry disclosure
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has disclosed the level of detail it will include in its proposed new life insurance publications.
At present data submitted to APRA by life insurers is confidential unless it is already in the public domain, or unless APRA declares it non-confidential after consultation with the disclosing entities.
Last week the regulator ruled that data contained within specific quarterly and annual returns lodged by life insurers is non-confidential and can be included in aggregated and entity-level data tables in its proposed new quarterly and half-yearly publications.
Other data that will be made publicly available includes solvency, management capital, derivatives, commitments and off-balance sheet items, statement of financial position, summary of revenue and expenses, sources of profit and retained profit.
In response to submissions from life insurers, APRA will not include information about product group data or capital adequacy items at an entity level in recognition that this data is commercially sensitive.
It will, however, publish product group data on an aggregate industry basis. Normal masking will apply to the aggregated product group data where appropriate.