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APRA delays cyber data collection start after feedback

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has pushed back its timetable for cyber and management liability data collection in response to insurance industry feedback.

APRA last year consulted on collection of the additional information for the National Claims and Policies Database, starting “on a best endeavours basis” and moving to full implementation for the June 30 reporting period this year.

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) pushed for the June period to also be on a “best endeavours basis”, extending the timeframe for full implementation by six months.

“APRA concluded that this will facilitate a more effective process without materially impacting APRA’s objectives, and has agreed to the proposed timeframes,” the regulator says in a letter today.

ICA’s proposed definitions for cyber first and third party loss have also been accepted.

APRA is continuing to hold discussions with the industry on publication of data “including the appropriate level of aggregation”.