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Air crash compensation cap rises

A bill raising the cap on air accident payments from $500,000 to $750,000 for domestic flights has passed Parliament.

The Aviation Legislation Amendment (Liability and Insurance) Bill also makes it easier for victims to access compensation, according to Transport Minister Anthony Albanese.

“While Australia has a proud aviation safety record, it is important we continue to strengthen arrangements for people flying domestically,” he said.

“This reform brings the cap, which has not been adjusted since 1994, into the 21st century, to reflect current costs rather than those of nearly two decades ago.”

The legislation also removes the requirement for victims to prove airline fault.

“Accident victims and their families will be able to obtain compensation swiftly, with minimal legal fees, irrespective of whether the airline was in any way to blame for the injuries,” Mr Albanese said.

The changes bring Australia into line with international regulations under the Montreal Convention.