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Adler makes a point from the inside

Former HIH director Rodney Adler has taken offence to a news report last week concerning Dominic Fodera receiving a prison sentence.

The Age newspaper noted that an email expressing Mr Adler’s objection was sent via a staff member at Tesla Investments – a company formed by Mr Adler’s Happle Pty Ltd in 2004.

“In speaking to my wife today, she read me your article in The Age, ‘Another former HIH director heads to jail’,” the email read. “Please note that I was the managing director of FAI Insurance and only a non-executive director of HIH Insurance for 22 months, having resigned from the company prior to its collapse.

“The asset of FAI was sold to a German insurance company and today, if you do the research, you will find that FAI is a highly prosperous insurance company contributing significant profits to its German parent.

“I hope the above is of interest to you. Yours sincerely, Rodney Adler.”

The company Mr Adler refers to is Allianz Australia.