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ACT offers CTP refund to cushion living cost pressures

The ACT Government will refund compulsory third party (CTP) insurance premiums to motorists as part of efforts to alleviate living cost pressures.

The refund will vary by vehicle class, but eligible motorists with passenger vehicles should expect to see a refund of $19.90 on their renewal notice.

“Because the no-fault [Motor Accident Injuries] scheme has lower costs, insurers via the ACT Government’s one-stop registration process can provide a one-off premium refund when people renew their vehicle registrations,” Special Minister of State Chris Steel said.

“We recognise every little bit counts at a time when households are facing higher fuel prices and other cost of living pressures.”

The no-fault scheme came into effect in 2020, with average passenger vehicle premium of about $434 as of March 28 compared to $458 in February 2020.