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ACT Greens put brakes on CTP reforms

The ACT Government’s compulsory third party (CTP) reforms face a last-minute roadblock after a Greens Party MP called last week for further review.

Greens Treasury spokesman Meredith Hunter announced on Friday that the party will not support the proposed CTP changes until a further review is undertaken.

She says the changes had been subject to a lot of community concern and “deserve a much more considered review”.

Under the present CTP legislation passed in 2008, a review of the scheme’s operation must occur every three years. This is due in October, and Ms Hunter says it “make sense” to review the impact of the 2008 reforms before changing the current law.

“The Greens agree that the scheme should be improved [but] without a clearer understanding of how the scheme is currently operating we are essentially flying blind,” she said.

The ACT Government believes the changes are necessary to reduce CTP premiums and car registration payments.

The ACT’s legal fraternity has welcomed the delay, with ACT Law Society President Athol Anpas saying that in its current form the legislation would deprive road users of the right to fair compensation.

He says the changes will see 84% of road accident victims lose the right to any compensation for pain and suffering.

“The Government has been unable to show why this unjust and unfair legislation is necessary,” he said.