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Young drivers ‘put lives on the line’

Young people are more likely to drink-drive, speed and drag-race, according to insurer AAMI’s annual Young Drivers Index.

AAMI Corporate Affairs Manager Yves Noldus says drivers aged 18-24 make up only 13% of all drivers but they continue to be over-represented in the road toll, making up 25% of all drivers killed on the roads.

The company’s research has found 16% of young drivers say they speed most of the time – three times more than drivers aged 25 and over.

And 15% believe it is all right to drive after a few drinks if they feel capable, while 24% admit to taking a different route to avoid being breathalysed.

There are signs that government campaigns have paid off, with fewer young drivers sending or reading text messages while driving, and half concerned about driving the next day after drinking.

“Almost half of all young drivers now support the introduction of a late night curfew compared to less than a third last year,” Mr Noldus said. “Also, 80% now support the introduction of a compulsory safe driving course, up 10% from last year.”