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Yasi victims ‘will be home for Christmas’

Insurers are aiming to get homeowners affected by Cyclone Yasi in February back in their homes before Christmas.

During a recent site visit, Suncorp’s Head of Event Recovery Jimmy Higgins said the company is aiming to have those living in temporary accommodation back in their homes by December.

“Barring problems that we have no control over, like flooded roads and supply issues, I don’t see why people insured under the Suncorp umbrella won’t be celebrating Christmas in their own homes,” he said.

Mr Higgins says Suncorp has already spent around 40% of its estimated $160 million rebuild costs and that all work, including small repairs, will be completed within 18 months.

“Of the homes that we call total losses, that had to be demolished, we only have a handful left to be settled,” he said.

A CGU spokesman confirmed to that it also is aiming to have policyholders back in their homes by Christmas.

“Building works are well under way and barring any unforeseen events, such as another cyclone, then we expect progress to continue as planned,” he said. “There will remain smaller repair works outstanding beyond Christmas, but these are not expected to delays families returning home.”

An NRMA Insurance spokesman says that where the company is managing the rebuild, all customers will be in their own homes before Christmas.

“We have finalised 60% of all our Cyclone Yasi claims and we would expect all repairs to be completely finished within 18 months.”