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Workers’ comp scheme to be reined in

Federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has indicated the Government is looking to reduce costs of the Commonwealth workers’ compensation scheme, Comcare.

In an address at the recent Comcare Occupational Health and Safety Conference in Canberra, Mr Andrews spoke about increasing the Commonwealth threshold for the acceptance of disease claims, and possibly removing coverage for injuries arising from journeys to and from work.

According to Mr Andrews, the higher legislative threshold for disease claims in all the states has “in no small part led to the proliferation of psychological/stress claims at the Commonwealth level”.

He also says the Government supports a Productivity Commission recommendation that coverage for journeys to and from work not be provided on the basis of “lack of employer control and the availability of third party insurance”.

“Journey to and from work claims are a significant cost to the Commonwealth, representing 18% of total claims accepted by Comcare during 2003 and 2004, totalling $17.3 million,” he said.

Mr Andrews has indicated legislative changes will be put forward in the spring.