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Workers’ comp relief for WA

Workers’ compensation premiums in WA will fall by an average 12.7% from next month.

Employment Protection Minister Michelle Roberts says premiums will fall from 2.117% to 1.849% for the 2007/08 financial year.

WorkCover WA, the state’s safety authority, independently recommends benchmark rates for workers’ compensation. The rates are based on the performance of the workers’ compensation scheme and claim experience across more than 480 industries.

Ms Roberts says about 250 industries will have at least a 10% reduction in their premiums.

“Over the past few years, the State Government has been able to deliver significant improvements in benefits to injured workers, while reducing premiums paid by employers,” she said.

“More than 70% of total workers’ compensation costs relate to only 13% of claims, which means that even a small reduction in the number and duration of severe claims will make a big difference in the cost of the workers’ compensation scheme,” Ms Roberts said.

The move to reduce premiums in WA follows a 10% cut in Victoria’s WorkCover premiums. The NSW Government has already implemented an average 5% reduction in WorkCover premiums.