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Women drivers do less damage, says NZ survey

New Zealand research has revealed women make more car insurance claims than men, but the boys do the most damage.

The study by AA Insurance found women claim 6% more often than men, but claims by men are more expensive.

“Insurance premiums usually take gender into account for these very reasons,” AA Insurance CEO Chris Curtin said.

The insurer found women are more likely to be distracted on the roads by talking or texting on mobile phones, eating, applying make-up or playing with the radio.

But men are more aggressive and are more likely than women to be involved in fatal accidents, the survey found.

“Men are more inclined than women to exhibit a range of risk-taking behaviours while on the road,” says Mr Curtin. “Men are more inclined to speed, show aggression, fall asleep behind the wheel and to identify themselves as impatient.”  
But both men and women have equivalent views about how they should react to aggression on roads. Some 52% of those polled signal an apology before driving on, while 36% choose to ignore the other driver.