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Website targets motorcycle theft

A new website aims to educate motorcyclists on crime prevention, with figures showing motorbike thefts now account for more than a quarter of all vehicles stolen and not recovered in Australia.

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) site – – features tips, reports and statistics on thefts, and relevant news.

Online mapping tools show the number of motorcycles stolen and not recovered in any area in the past financial year.

The NMVTRC says more than 8000 motorcycles were stolen in Australia in 2011/12.

Executive Director Ray Carroll says about 60% were taken from homes, because the “recreational nature” of motorcycle riding means they are often at home when owners are not.

He says riders should ensure bikes are properly secured in garages or behind locked gates.

“This type of theft is very hard to do anything about,” Mr Carroll told “Due to the portable nature of motorbikes, they can be quite easily removed and placed on a truck.”

The lack of regulation on off-road bikes and a demand for parts further exacerbates the problem, he says.