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Waiting, waiting: affordability report on Treasurer’s desk

Insurers will have to wait a little longer to read the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) final report on insurance in northern Australia.

The report has been presented to Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, marking the end of a three-year inquiry.

An ACCC spokesman told publication of the report is a matter for the Government, but previous reports have been published before Christmas.

The probe – one of a series ordered by the Federal Government over the past decade – began in 2017, after the ACCC was charged with conducting a “wide-ranging inquiry into the supply of residential building, contents and strata insurance in northern Australia”.

The inquiry aimed to help “address concerns about insurance availability and affordability, promote more informed and more competitive insurance markets, and make a difference for consumers in northern Australia”.

The most recent report published was the second interim report, dated December 20 last year.

That document rejected the idea of a reinsurance pool to bring down premiums, saying that while a pool could improve affordability, the gains are unclear and the costs could be significant.

However, as has reported, insurers separately agreed to help Federal Treasury investigate the feasibility of a government-funded cyclone reinsurance pool following a meeting with Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar.