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WA bushfire claims mount

Residents in the small town of Lake Clifton south of Perth are continuing to count the cost of a bushfire that tore across more than 2000 hectares of land last month, with initial estimates of damage totalling $10 million.

Early figures show 90% of the 136 affected properties were insured.

Waroona Shire Director of Community Planning Services Steve Cleaver says the response from the insurance industry “has been pretty good”.

He told the council had not received any feedback from residents of major issues with claims.

“There was even one pleasing case where the residents found out they were insured when they thought they weren’t,” Mr Cleaver said.

So far the council estimates 11 houses have been destroyed, and 62 properties have suffered smoke damage. Several sheds have also been destroyed.

He says most properties have now been assessed, and denied local rumours that insurance assessors have been moved from Lake Clifton to cover the Queensland floods.

Mr Cleaver told the one “sleeper issue” in this event had been problems surrounding fencing, with some residents discovering their external fencing wasn’t covered under their policies.