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Vigilance urged after COVID-driven car theft drops

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) has called for vigilance in preventing theft following a coronavirus-driven slump in the number of vehicles stolen last year.

Australian motor vehicle thefts declined 15% to 49,438, the lowest level in two decades of data collection by the NMVTRC, dipping below the previous low of 50,277 in 2014.

“There is no question that COVID-19 related restrictions have had a significant dampening impact on theft volumes,” the NMVTRC says in its Theft Watch report.

The council says people should “pop keys out of sight” in the home and keep doors and windows locked to reduce theft risks.

“As social and travel restrictions normalise nationally, it’s critically important that the community heed the NMVTRC’s Pop. Lock. Stop. message,” it says.

Victoria had the highest volume reduction of 2630, representing a 16% decline, while thefts were down 13% in NSW and 6% in Queensland.

“Short-term and profit-motivated thefts fell across all vehicle types in all jurisdictions,” CEO Geoff Hughes said.