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Vehicle thefts continue to rise

The total number of vehicle thefts rose by 10% in the December 2012 quarter, the latest figures from the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) show.

This trend corresponds with the council’s figures released late last year, which showed the number of stolen motor vehicles has risen for the first time in a decade.

“We’re concerned that the reverse in the decline is continuing,” Executive Director Ray Carroll told

A total of 1307 vehicles were stolen for short-term theft, an increase of 14% which brings the tally back up to pre-September levels.

Passenger/light commercial vehicle thefts were up 12%, to 1044 and other vehicles were up by 31%, or 99 thefts in total. Motorcycle theft was up by 18%, to 164.

Queensland and WA showed the most substantial increases in theft figures, followed by NSW and Victoria.

Overall, there were a total of 42,693 short-term vehicle thefts in 2012, up 4% on 2011.

Profit-motivated theft was significantly more stable, with passenger/light commercial vehicle thefts showing no change and figures for motorcycle thefts rising by 58 or 5%. Other vehicle thefts came to a total of 74 or 19%, contributing to a 3% increase on the same quarter in 2011.

The most significant increase in passenger/light vehicle theft was in WA, with 79 vehicles stolen, or 34%.

Overall, 18,565 vehicles were stolen for profit, up 12% on 2011. Passenger/light vehicles accounted for 60% of this, with an increase of 1212 or 11%.