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Tighter Vic laws could slow car theft rise

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) hopes a planned tightening of Victoria’s bail laws will also help slow the rise of passenger and light commercial vehicle (PLC) thefts.

Earlier this month the council released figures showing motor vehicle thefts had risen 8% nationally in the year to last September, with a total of 55,571 stolen.

This is largely blamed on a 13% rise in short-term PLC thefts. Victoria recorded 15,914 or 36% of all PLC thefts, despite only 26% of Australian-registered PLC vehicles being in the state.

NMVTRC Executive Director Ray Carroll told gang-related thefts and violence in Victoria must be addressed, and while the police are arresting more people than ever, this must be followed up with a “strong court response”.

“A lot of current car crime is high-level repeat offending,” he said. “We’re very much looking forward to the Government’s bail reforms.”

NSW continued to see declines in PLC theft, with 9917 stolen, representing 22% of the nation’s total.

Nationally, profit-motivated thefts were up 3% to 9873, with 35% in Victoria.

Motorcycle theft was up slightly, along with heavy and “other” vehicles.

Despite the overall annual increase, total car thefts are still 7% down on five years ago.