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Text-and-drive trend rings alarm bells

Budget Direct has urged young drivers to stop using mobile devices after a survey revealed many are happy to use their phones while on the road.

About 18% of 1000 respondents said they felt confident driving while using their phones, up from 11% in 2020.

Drivers aged 28 to 37 reported the highest confidence, followed by the 18-27 cohort. Women were more likely to express confidence in driving while using a mobile than men.

Drivers reported using phones most often to change music, while stopped at traffic lights, or to read texts.

Budget Direct says its results show deterrents are the best way to cut mobile activity, with 40% of respondents saying harsher penalties would stop them. Another 25% called for mobile-detection cameras. About 60% of drivers said fines of more than $1000 would be the strongest deterrent for texting while driving.

Budget Direct says the statistics are “alarming”, with research showing drivers are 10 times more likely to crash if they are texting, browsing or emailing while driving.

See the survey results here