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Sundowners: nutting out the issues

National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) brokers will have the opportunity to meet with the leaders of the association and other brokers to discuss pressing industry issues at this year’s NIBA Sundowners roadshow, which will visit all major cities in Australia over the next few months.

NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen told Sunrise Exchange News the roadshow – which kicks off in Launceston next week – provides an excellent opportunity for members and their staff to get to know how NIBA works and “share some camaraderie” with other brokers from their area.

“One key issue we’ll be focusing on is the Financial Services Reform Act and where the industry is at with the legislation,” he said. “We’re delighted with the refinements brought in by Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Chris Pearce. NIBA has developed a strong working relationship with him in regards to the legislation.”

Mr Pettersen says other topics up for discussion are conflicts of interest, developments at NIBA College, direct offshore foreign insurers, and NIBA’s new tax campaign – which will be launched in time for the June renewals period.

“We’ll also be discussing our ‘Call & Care’ initiative, which involves our trained assessors visiting all our members’ national headquarters,” he said.