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Staff, climate biggest risks: Aon

International consulting firm Aon predicts the management of intellectual capital and retention and training of staff will be key concerns for Australian executives next year, amid increased concern about climate change.

Aon's sixth annual "Australasian risk management and total cost of insurable risk survey" looks at risk trends and the costs of managing and financing risk in Australia and New Zealand.

Aon Australia's National Manager for Client Research and Development Ross Castle says executives could also face risk stemming from managing employee issues should there be changes in regulation or policy in Australia after Saturday's federal election.

General concern about climate variability is expected to extend beyond its initial emergence among executives in the hospitality, energy and resource sectors.

Mr Castle also predicts increased awareness of the "upside of risk" - how firms use risk to maximise performance and returns.

The report cites new business opportunities, acquisitions, research and development and new investments as examples of positive risk.

Aon says globalisation and strong competition form the basis of its prediction of a greater focus by corporates on these activities.

The survey is intended to encourage decision-makers to look beyond the policy price tag and adopt a concept of total cost of insurable risk, and a risk management strategy.