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Spike in vehicle thefts bucks longer-term trend

Motor vehicle thefts increased 4% to 52,303 cases last year, but the number is down 7% on five years ago, according to the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council.

It says most cases related to passenger and light commercial (PLC) vehicles – totalling 41,587, up 5% on 2014.

Victoria once again recorded most PLC thefts, with the majority short-term.

Short-term PLC theft has increased 24% in the state over the past five years, compared with 7% in WA.

Nationally, short-term PLC thefts grew 6% to 31,444 last year. Profit-motivated PLC cases were up 2% to 10,143.

Short-term motorcycle thefts fell 6% to 3556, while profit-motivated motorcycle cases increased 8%.

Short-term heavy vehicle thefts dropped 10% to 1174, with profit-motivated crimes down 5% to 1337.

About 32% of all short-term PLC thefts occurred in Victoria, but NSW still recorded the largest number of vehicles stolen for profit.

Profit-motivated theft in NSW has fallen 30% over the past five years, while profit-motivated theft in the ACT, NT and Tasmania has remained relatively stable.