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Small concessions for Kiwi bikers

Last month’s protest rally by motorcyclists in Wellington has achieved limited results in reducing sharp rate rises proposed by New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover levies for 2010/11.

Following public consultation, levies recommended to the Government are largely in line with those originally announced for the work, earner and motor vehicle accounts.

For earners on $NZ45,000 ($35,200) a year, the proposed levy is up 65% to $NZ1260 ($986).

The bikers made some small gains, however. The moped levy will jump from the current $NZ100.46 ($78.60) to $NZ277.25 ($216.88), compared with the $NZ292.93 ($229.14) originally proposed.

For bikes in the 601cc-plus category the revised levy is $NZ739.32 ($578.30), up from the current $NZ430.54 ($336.77), but down from the previously recommended $NZ781.12 ($611.22).

The recommendations aren’t binding on ACC Minister Nick Smith, but the corporation says they are necessary for the scheme’s survival.

“The levies we recommend, along with a program of cost savings and improved performance will enable us to address the broader financial issues and ensure the future of the ACC scheme,” Chairman John Judge said in a statement.

In October Dr Smith described ACC as “financially unsustainable” after it reported a loss of $NZ4.8 billion ($3.8 billion) for the past financial year, on top of a $NZ2.4 billion ($1.9 billion) loss the previous year.