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Sacked NRMA chief fires back

The dispute between sacked NRMA CEO Eric Dodd and elements on the company’s board escalated on Sunday when Mr Dodd fired some very public shots at the number 1 insurer through a leading TV program.

Mr Dodd’s decision to break his silence and put his side of the story follows media leaks that the board has agreed to pay Mr Dodd a severance package worth more than $3 million. But that’s nowhere near enough for the ex-CEO, who says he has a good case to take to court. Try double, at least.

Speaking on Business Sunday, Mr Dodd was able to get across some telling blows. In a wide-ranging interview that revealed just how frustrating and stressful the long-running board-executive imbroglio has been, Mr Dodd said the board was the source of all information leaks, including the premature announcement of NRMA’s first six-monthly result, an action that  brought the ASX and ASIC knocking at the door.

The continuing drama has now drawn fire from Financial Services & Regulation Minister Joe Hockey, who has called on Chairman Rowan Ross to get the board under control. During the interview Mr Dodd revealed that Mr Hockey rang him the day before the sacking to warn him the knives were out. For those who missed the drama, a full transcript of the Dodd interview is at

Meanwhile, interim CEO Ian Brown has let it be known he’s interested in keeping the job.

Former NRMA Insurance Chairman Nick Whitlam – who Mr Dodd indicated still has influence in the organisation – was reported to be livid after the board deferred his retirement payment last week. The “resignation benefit” of just under $1 million was deferred until the company’s AGM in November so that members can vote on it.