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Remaining Infinity cables a ‘ticking time-bomb’

Nearly half the faulty Infinity electrical cabling installed in homes and buildings across Australia and subject to a national recall is yet to be fixed, leaving thousands of people at risk of electrocution or fire.

Cable installed in NSW homes in 2010 may have already started cracking, while remaining states and territories, where it was installed from 2011, are in danger from next year, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) says.

The voluntary recall began in August 2013, but only 54% of the 4313km of dangerous cable has been found and fixed.

“Your home might be a ticking time-bomb if you haven’t had Infinity cabling replaced,” ACCC Deputy Chairman Delia Rickard said.

The regulator has warned electricians to contact previous clients, including property owners and businesses, if they suspect they installed the Infinity product.

“In some circumstances suppliers, installers and property owners may be liable to pay compensation for injury or property damage caused by Infinity cable installed in buildings,” Ms Rickard said.

The cabling, imported from China, can become prematurely brittle and break when placed under stress near heat sources and roof access areas, which may lead to electric shock or fire if the cables are disturbed by homeowners or tradespeople.

Homeowners who had electrical cabling installed between 2010 and 2013 should have the work inspected by a licensed electrician, the ACCC says.