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Relief over NZ storm damage

Recent storms in the central and lower North Island of New Zealand have not caused as much damage as first expected, according to the Insurance Council of New Zealand.

The industry body says there was no large-scale flooding, and most of the surface water was diverted through stormwater drains.

CEO Chris Ryan says it is too early to give an estimate but it is highly unlikely that damage will run into the millions.

The storms left 20 houses uninhabitable. Some observers expect damage to council-owned infrastructure in the lower North Island region to reach millions of dollars, but Mr Ryan believes this to be an overstatement.

“It was mainly wind damage,” he said. “No river banks flooded and there was no significant flooding. It was not bad as initially thought.”

This is the third time this year that NZ insurance companies have been called on to pay for property damage after flooding. Unlike their Australian counterparts, NZ insurers normally provide domestic flood cover.