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Queensland firefighters get water-bomber assistance

With experts predicting the most active bushfire season in 15 years, the Queensland Government is spending $3.1 million to secure the services of three Squirrel water-bombing helicopters.

The choppers are currently deployed in south-east Queensland for the 12-week bushfire season that began this month. Queensland has signed a three-year deal to provide an annual service through until 2010.

Premier Anna Bligh says the water-bombers “will allow the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service to fight fires from the skies”.

Emergency Services Minister Neil Roberts says the bushfire risk this year is far greater due to substantial rain and flooding across large tracts of Queensland at the start of the year.

He says new vegetation has increased the dry fuel load. “Drier winter months, coupled with the low humidity and gusty westerly winds which traditionally arrive at this time of year, increase the threat of bushfire,” he said.