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Public liability on public agenda

A meeting last week in Melbourne brought together key small business and community groups as well as State and Federal Government representatives to discuss increases in public liability premiums. 

While some short-term solutions were discussed, ICA Group Manager Southern Region Peter Jamvold said the “unavoidable fact” is that the sharp rise in the cost of public liability is a reflection of Australia’s increasingly litigious society.  APRA figures show liability cover in Australia isn’t profitable, either.

Victorian Finance Minister Lynne Kosky – an outspoken critic of the industry when HIH collapsed – said the meeting discussed the development of pooled arrangements for small organisations to help them spread their risks and negotiate better insurance premiums. 

Mr Jamvold said the industry could contribute to the idea by providing advice to assist both local government and organisations. 

Participating industry groups included the Municipal Association of Victoria, the Victorian Council of Social Services, Volunteering Australia, the Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Insurance Council.