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PL business declines, as PI continues to grow

The number of public liability (PL) risks written in Australia fell last year to 2.3 million from 2.4 million in 2011 – but the drop was countered by rise in professional indemnity (PI) policies to 508,168 from 487,748.

Data from the National Claims and Policies Database maintained by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority shows PL gross written premium (GWP) was $1.6 billion last year, down from $1.75 billion in 2011, reflecting the decline in covered risks.

But the rise in risks covered by PI was not reflected in GWP, which fell to $1.2 billion from $1.3 billion.

PL claims reported by accident year fell to 21,712 last year from 23,526 in 2011.

Due to PL claims’ long tails, in 2003 there were 19,567 reported; nine years later this had grown to 27,566.

PL gross claims incurred were $74 million last year, down from $93 million, and claims paid were $16 million, down from $17 million.

There were 6209 PI claims lodged last accident year, down from 6693. Underwriting year incurred claims grew to $142 million from $115 million.

Gross claim payments were $16.7 million, up from $14 million.

Lloyd’s Australia wrote 1243 non-facility public liability risks last year, generating $74.9 million of GWP, compared with 1369 and $1 billion of GWP in 2011.

It covered 2282 non-facility professional indemnity risks, generating $106.9 million of GWP, compared with 3114 risks and $130.8 million in 2011.

There were 19 public liability claims lodged for the 2012 undewriting year, up from 15 in 2011 at the same stage of development. Lloyd’s Australia reported $1.7 million of PL gross claims incurred for the 2013 underwriting year, up from $249,000 in 2011.

There were 14 professional indemnity claims lodged with Lloyd’s for the 2012 undewriting year, down from 21 in 2011. Gross claims were $2.3 million, up from $766,000.