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Pike River insurance won’t cover victims’ payouts

Most of the insurance payable to Pike River Coal, whose mine on New Zealand’s West Coast collapsed in an explosion, has gone on legal fees – leaving only a few thousand dollars for each of the 29 victims’ families.

Greymouth District Court this month ordered the company to pay $NZ110,000 ($94,344) reparation to each family and the two survivors of the 2010 blast.

Pike River had a $NZ2 million ($1.72 million) statutory liability policy, but company receiver John Fisk of PricewaterhouseCoopers says most of this has been spent on legal fees for directors and staff.

Only $NZ156,000 ($133,780) is available for compensation payments, he told

The court also fined Pike River Coal $NZ760,000 ($651,800) on nine charges, but Mr Fisk says the company cannot pay this, and fines rank below unsecured creditors.

There will not be enough funds to pay all secured creditors in full.