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Perth insurers battered by storms

Insurers are counting up a comparatively big claims bill after Perth was battered early last week by three days of wild weather.

RAC-WA Insurance received more than 1100 claims for storm damage last week but expects that number to double. A spokesman said the final cost of the wet weather will be “close to $2 million”. It paid out a similar amount after a storm in late May.

Claims Manager Brendan Stocks says most of the claims were for minor damage with a small number of larger claims for damaged roofs, ceilings and contents.

“Fences damaged by the wind are the most common claims at this point,” he said.

A spokesman for IAG subsidiary SGIO told the company has received more than 270 claims for damage to homes and contents across the Perth metropolitan area.

He says the majority of claims are for damage to fences from strong winds, with claims coming from right across the metropolitan area. The coastal region was the worst hit.