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On song: IAG lockdown video sparks incredible response

A music video highlighting the quirks of lockdown life has been viewed thousands of times as many industry employees continue to work from home in Sydney and beyond.

These Days, by IAG’s Melbourne-based Learning and Development Specialist Fran Porter, was created as part of an IAG talent competition

As reported in our Daily bulletin, it was last week shared on the insurer’s LinkedIn account and has so far been viewed almost 24,000 times, with hundreds of likes and comments.  Scroll down to watch the video.

Ms Porter told she plays guitar and sings as a hobby, and was overwhelmed by the reponse.

“It was a lot of fun. I’ve had a lot of people reach out to say what joy it’s brought them and it’s been really nice to see that you can go through a challenging time but have a moment just to have a little bit of a laugh, and maybe a cry at the same time.

“It’s nice to be able to share something that everyone’s relating to. I’ve been really chuffed to see the responses.”