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Ombudsman faces fewer disputes

The number of disputes handled by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) fell 12% in the three months to December.

About 29% of cases related to general insurance, according to FOS, which will soon provide January-March figures. Credit matters accounted for 47% of disputes and life insurance 3.6%.

A quarter of registered disputes – the first stage in its process – were resolved by the financial services provider and needed no FOS involvement.

Of the “accepted” disputes – in which FOS becomes involved – 48% related to credit, 31% to general insurance and 3.7% to life insurance.

Almost 70% of closed disputes were resolved with an agreement between the parties.

Of the 9.5% resolved by a FOS decision, 4.2% were in favour of the applicant and 4.9% in favour of the financial services provider; 0.4% confirmed the provider’s action or offer.