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NZ farmers count cost of monster storm

Insurance claims from a giant snowstorm in NZ’s Southland’s have reached $NZ47 million ($36.6 million), but the uninsured damage bill is expected to be much higher.

The Insurance Council of New Zealand has released provisional figures from the September storm, but these exclude stock losses, which were not covered by insurance.

Southland Federated Farmers estimates losses could be as high as $NZ100 million ($77.9 million) with the loss of lambs, ewes, dairy production and added feed costs.

Branch President Rod Pemberton told the costs associated with the storm will continue to rise.

“This was the worse storm in living memory,” he said. “We’ve had storms lasting one or two days before, but one that carried on for a week is almost unheard of.

“There are a number of farmers who are finding things tough as a result.”