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NZ Debbie and Cook payouts near $100 million

The New Zealand insurance bill for damage wrought by cyclones Debbie and Cook in April has reached $NZ108.7 million ($99.31 million), according to the Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ).

The number of claims has grown to 9186 from 8043 in June. They are the most damaging storms since the lower North Island storm of February 2004.

Edgecumbe was the hardest-hit town, accounting for 15% of claims by number and 50% by value.

Some 7075 claims are for house and contents, valued at $NZ79.4 million ($72.53 million), 1346 are for commercial material damage and business interruption at $NZ22.4 million ($20.46 million), and 653 are for motor vehicles at $NZ5.2 million ($4.75 million).

ICNZ CEO Tim Grafton says New Zealand is on the way to its most expensive year for weather events. The cyclones bring this year’s bill so far to $NZ199 million ($181.82 million).

“The weather bombs we’ve had this year highlight the importance insurance plays when disaster strikes,” he said.

Mr Grafton has urged renters to insure their contents and homeowners to check their sums insured are enough to rebuild.