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NSW tops natural disaster payouts

Insurance payouts for natural disasters in Australia last year were more than four times higher than 2000. Insurance Disaster Response Organisation co-ordinator Chris Henri said “an overwhelming majority” of the payout went to NSW.

Of the $254 million paid out last year, all but $217 million went to claimants in NSW. That’s $70 million for the Christmas bushfires, and $147 million for severe storms in Sydney and rural areas.

The other big payout was for a major storm in Brisbane which cost $37 million.

Mr Henri said the Sydney bushfires resulted in 3,200 domestic claims, 150 commercial claims, 130 motor vehicle claims and 52 farm claims.

“About one in five households and businesses were found to have no insurance or were severely underinsured,” he said.

But no worries, they were able to claim $10 million from the public appeal fund.