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NSW opposition gets on FSL bandwagon

NSW’s State Opposition is rallying behind the industry’s fight against the collection of fire services levies (FSL) in the state.

Tomorrow it will hold the first of a series of public rallies against the FSL in the central west community of Dubbo.

It’s all very political, but it won’t do the cause to pull back state premium taxes any harm at all. Opposition Shadow Minister for Emergency Services Andrew Humpherson says farmers in the area are currently experiencing FSL increases of about 40%.

“That is not only unsustainable, that is highway robbery by the NSW Government, which is trying to dodge the blame by saying it has raised the levy this year by only 20%,” he said.

Mr Humpherson says the NSW Government isn’t paying its fair share for fire services, and has increased FSL by 152% over the past 12 years.

“Instead of facing up to its responsibilities it has been fleecing taxpayers for too long hoping no one would notice the massive ‘hidden tax’ increases every year.”

The campaign comes as brokers’ client education campaign using the National Insurance Brokers Association website begins to attract significant attention. But it is particularly significant that the issue has raised criticism from an opposition.