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Northern Australian consumers form lobby group

Northern Australia insurance buyers have formed a lobby group to ensure the consumer voice is heard as Federal Budget commitments on a reinsurance pool and resilience measures are delivered.

The group, co-chaired by long-time insurance campaigner Margaret Shaw and Strata Insurance Solutions MD Tyrone Shandiman, says it will represent people at the coal face and work with Government and stakeholders.

Ms Shaw says the Northern Australia Insurance Lobby has welcomed the reinsurance pool announcement, after it has long been promoted, but wants to ensure policyholder voices are heard as plans are finalised and the scope of cover determined.

“The devil will be in the detail and we want to know what the details are and help to inform them if we possibly can,” she told “I think we have one opportunity to get this right and we want to get it right, right from the start.”

Ms Shaw, who provided a consumer voice to the Northern Australia Insurance Premiums Taskforce, says that process was dominated by insurers and it is important the current discussions reflect greater balance.

“We want to make sure the consumer is considered this time,” she said. “We can’t afford to be ignored.”

The group will push for efficient introduction of the $40 million strata title resilience pilot program, which the Federal Government says will start from January, in partnership with the Queensland Government.

Ms Shaw says a previous federal and state initiative had been delayed for three years because of administration issues, and it’s important such problems are not repeated.

The group's committee also includes Unit Owners Association Queensland Chairman Bradley von Xanten, Whitsunday Councillor Jan Clifford, Hotel Group MD Jeff Aquilina, Sea Star Apartments Committee Chairman Terry Brown and Eva Rankmore, who has worked for Strata Insurance Solutions/Coverite Insurance since 2014.